

Khlebnikov per. 7, building 3, Moscow 105064
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2010
Employees: 50-99
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111 Product and services

Matcha tea - powder
Matcha tea - powder
Natural organic tea. Net weight:200 g Energy value per 100 g:140 cal Shelf life :9 month...
Carob Milk Bar - with banana and cashew urbech
Carob Milk Bar - with banana and cashew urbech
Carob milk bar is a good alternative to traditional chocolate. It's made of carob (which gives nutaral sweetness), dried milk, high qulity organic coc...
Apricot Urbech - sugar freeNext
Apricot Urbech - sugar free
Urbech is a cold-pressed paste made of seeds or nuts without adding sugar. Urbech is an organic nutritional aid that helps to strengthen the body and ...
Juniper pekmez - natural juniper pekmez
Juniper pekmez - natural juniper pekmez
Pekmez is a organic syrup dried from juice without adding sugar or water. It gives a natural sweetness and and contains vitamins and microelements.
Grape pekmez  - Syrup
Grape pekmez - Syrup
Grapes do have healing properties! Grapes can be used to make a delicious pekmez, which improves the digestive system, blood circulation and boosts ...
Carob milk Bar - with roasted carob
Carob milk Bar - with roasted carob
Carob milk bar is a good alternative to traditional chocolate. It's made of carob (which gives nutaral sweetness), dried milk, high qulity organic coc...
Topinambur syrup - natural topinambur syrup
Topinambur syrup - natural topinambur syrup
Natural organaic syrup made from topinambur juice. Net weight:250 g Energy value per 100 g:320 kcal Shelf life :24 months...
Сocoa mass - natural
Сocoa mass - natural
Natural organic cocoa mass Net weight:200 g Energy value per 100 g:600 kcal Shelf life:24 months...
Chokokez - with dates pekmez
Chokokez - with dates pekmez
Chokokez is a natural sugar free chocolate. Instead of sugar we use pekmez - a honey-like organic sirup made from fruits - dates, grapes etc. We don't...
Orange tea - natural organic tea mix
Orange tea - natural organic tea mix
Black Assam tea with orange and carob Net weight:200 g Energy value per 100 g:140 kcal Shelf life :9 month...
Carob Milk Bar - with almond
Carob Milk Bar - with almond
Carob milk bar is a good alternative to traditional chocolate. It's made of carob (which gives nutaral sweetness), dried milk, high qulity organic coc...
Agave Dark syrup - natural agave syrup
Agave Dark syrup - natural agave syrup
Natural organaic syrup made from Agave juice. Net weight:250 g Energy value per 100 g:320 kcal Shelf life :24 month...
Carob milk bar - with cherry and apricot urbech
Carob milk bar - with cherry and apricot urbech
Carob milk bar is a good alternative to traditional chocolate. It's made of carob (which gives nutaral sweetness), dried milk, high qulity organic coc...
Maqui berri - powder
Maqui berri - powder
natural organic maqui berry powder Net weight:50 g Energy value per 100 g:342 Shelf life :12 months...
Carob Mil bar - with strawberry and cashew urbech
Carob Mil bar - with strawberry and cashew urbech
Carob milk bar is a good alternative to traditional chocolate. It's made of carob (which gives nutaral sweetness), dried milk, high qulity organic coc...

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressKhlebnikov per. 7, building 3, RU-105064 Moscow

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