

Gersdorfer Strasse 21, Nennslingen 91790
Founded: 1959
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About us
Steel construction, locksmithing, deslagging systems, cut parts, container construction, welding certification according to DIN 18 800 - 7 Class E, certification according to EN 1090-1.

5 Product and services

Container Construction
Container Construction
Container Construction - Customized From delicate precision parts to containers of all dimensions, up to extremely durable base plates for plant cons...
Burnt Parts
Burnt Parts
The full range of steel grades! Using powerful CNC-controlled systems, we manufacture custom oxy-fuel cut steel blanks and plasma-cut stainless steel...
Welded Structures
Welded Structures
With mechanical processing Highly trained employees, comprehensive quality controls, and the reliability and care of a family business where everyone...
Steel Construction
Steel Construction
Architecture and Aesthetics in Steel! Our materials and our manufacturing place no limits on your creativity. Steel architecture meets design and eco...
Burnt Parts
Burnt Parts
Custom Metalwork Unique pieces made to measure and decorative steel elements, railings and stairs, services for industry and solutions for private cl...

Location and contact

AddressGersdorfer Strasse 21, DE-91790 Nennslingen

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