

Carrer Clòsens, 66, Sant Andreu De Llavaneres 08392
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Our nursing home offers permanent residency services for the elderly and also operates as a day center for seniors.

2 Product and services

Day Center - for the elderly
Day Center - for the elderly
We are a day center with a capacity of 15 places, surrounded by a large garden and situated in a prime location. We are in the heart of Sant Andreu de...
Elderly Residence - Residence and Day Center
Elderly Residence - Residence and Day Center
We are a collaborating center of the Generalitat of Catalonia with 36 residential places. Our goal as a residence is to provide, with 30 years of expe...

Location and contact

AddressCarrer Clòsens, 66, ES-08392 Sant Andreu De Llavaneres

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