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Via G. Rinaldi, 95, Reggio Emilia 42124
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1977
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Additives - A wide range of food additives with various functions
Additives - A wide range of food additives with various functions
Colorants, Preservatives, Antioxidants and acidity regulators, Thickeners, stabilizers, and emulsifiers, Acidity regulators and anti-caking agents, Fl...
Carbohydrates and Fiber - Wide selection of sugars and fibers suitable for all food processing
Carbohydrates and Fiber - Wide selection of sugars and fibers suitable for all food processing
In the range of available carbohydrates, there are various types of sugars and syrups. Among the references in this category, we also find a substanti...
Amidi - Wide range of starches of various types, potato flakes and granules
Amidi - Wide range of starches of various types, potato flakes and granules
The range of starches offered originates from corn, tapioca, rice, and wheat, and can be native, pregelatinized, and modified. Additionally, we have f...
Powdered Milk Derivatives - Wide range of powdered milk derivatives
Powdered Milk Derivatives - Wide range of powdered milk derivatives
Among the dairy derivatives, we present many types of products. Some are obtained from raw materials in their powdered form, such as butter, mascarpon...
Powdered Milk - Reire offers a wide range of powdered milk in whole and skimmed varieties.
Powdered Milk - Reire offers a wide range of powdered milk in whole and skimmed varieties.
Skimmed milk powder granular type, Skimmed milk powder spray type, Skimmed milk powder coarse granular type, Skimmed milk powder spray type 99% lactos...

Location and contact

AddressVia G. Rinaldi, 95, IT-42124 Reggio Emilia

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