

Piazza Attias 37, Livorno 57125
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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3 Product and services

Gasifiers - Biomass gasifiers from supply chains and by-products, wood chips, pe
Gasifiers - Biomass gasifiers from supply chains and by-products, wood chips, pe
Power plants producing energy by solid biomass gasification of many types of feedstock. Power range from 100kW to 5MW using autotermal gasifiers and s...
Gasifiers - Plants for hydrogen production from direct gasification of biomass
Gasifiers - Plants for hydrogen production from direct gasification of biomass
Hydrogen production plants from solid biomass gasification by the use of catalysts and molecular filters, using the residual carbon monoxide in intern...
Dissociation Cells - Systems for Hydrogen Production from Photovoltaics with Dissociation Cells
Dissociation Cells - Systems for Hydrogen Production from Photovoltaics with Dissociation Cells
Hydrogen production plants from photovoltaic cells and water dissociation cells. Maximum efficiency attainable with the surface used.

Location and contact

AddressPiazza Attias 37, IT-57125 Livorno
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