Färberstrasse 12, Reinach 5734
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About us
Software solutions for the industry, ERP, PPS, MDE, BDE, APS, maintenance management, quality management

6 Product and services

Netcube Web IO 84
Netcube Web IO 84
Versatile device server for automation tasks. Much easier to program compared to a PLC.
DNC 5000
DNC 5000
The DNC-in-the-Box (DITB) principle makes the Quinx DNC solution more reliable, simpler, and more flexible than any other DNC system. With Quinx's DN...
Quality Management CAQ 5000
Quality Management CAQ 5000
CAQ 5000 is a comprehensive, process-oriented quality management system for production. The solution is modular and highly practical.
Production Planning APS 5000
Production Planning APS 5000
The dynamic detailed planning with graphical overview automatically adapts to current conditions. With a dynamic control center, production planning ...
Machine and Operational Data Collection
Machine and Operational Data Collection
MDE/BDE solution with machine connectivity for monitoring and targeted productivity enhancement, along with automatic alerts in unmanned operations.
The industry solution for companies with mechanical manufacturing, contract manufacturers, mold makers, and turning shops, etc.

Location and contact

AddressFärberstrasse 12, CH-5734 Reinach
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