

Stengårdsvej 7, Tølløse 4340
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About us

8 Product and services

FT-NIR spectrometer for the dairy industry | Q-Interline
FT-NIR spectrometer for the dairy industry | Q-Interline
We offer both at-line and in-line NIR analysers for the dairy industry. - With 25 years of experience and in-depth involvement in the dairy industry, ...
FT-NIR spectrometer for food & ingredients | Q-Interline
FT-NIR spectrometer for food & ingredients | Q-Interline
We offer at-line and in-line NIR analysers for the food & ingredients industry. - This business area covers a vast range of applications and has been ...
InfraQuant | Software for FT-NIR analyser | Q-Interline - For easy and secure operation of the Quant at-line analyser
InfraQuant | Software for FT-NIR analyser | Q-Interline - For easy and secure operation of the Quant at-line analyser
InfraQuant offers an easy-to-use platform to streamline QC operations and produce analytical results of high and trusted quality. We understand tha...
AnalyticTrust | Performance surveillance | Q-Interline - Being certain of the uncertainties
AnalyticTrust | Performance surveillance | Q-Interline - Being certain of the uncertainties
FT-NIR instruments need supervision. They must be checked and re-calibrated at regular intervals in order to maintain the precision required to sustai...
FT-NIR spectrometer | Quant at-line analyser | Q-Interline - One FT NIR analyser – Endless possibilities
FT-NIR spectrometer | Quant at-line analyser | Q-Interline - One FT NIR analyser – Endless possibilities
The Quant, a unique state-of-the-art FT-NIR spectrometer engine, is used for everything we do! We develop, patent, and produce many different accessor...
DairyQuant GO | Changing milk analysis | Q-Interline - A game changer in milk analysis and always ready for the next sample!
DairyQuant GO | Changing milk analysis | Q-Interline - A game changer in milk analysis and always ready for the next sample!
We deliver on a promise to eliminate the challenges with the flow systems in traditional milk analysers. There is no cell, no wear and tear on in...
InSight Pro | In-line NIR analyser| Q-Interline - In-line FT-NIR analyser for process optimization
InSight Pro | In-line NIR analyser| Q-Interline - In-line FT-NIR analyser for process optimization
The InSight Pro concept offers a modern and future-ready in-line analyser solution. We have taken all unnecessary complexity out of the product to off...
FT-NIR spectrometer for the chemical industry | Q-Interline
FT-NIR spectrometer for the chemical industry | Q-Interline
We offer at-line and in-line NIR analysers for the chemical industry. - The chemical industry uses spectroscopy as a regular tool in many forms such a...

Location and contact

AddressStengårdsvej 7, DK-4340 Tølløse

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