Am Barnberg 2, Böbingen 73560
Founded: 1972
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About us
Powder coatings in polyester, epoxy, and polyurethane in various finishes. Metallics.

5 Product and services

Powder Coatings & Coatings - Polyester T.G.I.C. Free
Powder Coatings & Coatings - Polyester T.G.I.C. Free
The product is made from polyester resin and individual pigments for light resistance. Due to its optimal resistance to weather conditions, temperatu...
Powder Coatings & Coatings - Polyester T.G.I.C.
Powder Coatings & Coatings - Polyester T.G.I.C.
Due to its optimal resistance to weather influences, temperature, and its flexibility, this powder can be used in a wide range of applications. Areas...
Powder Coatings & Coatings - SUPERCoat Hr60
Powder Coatings & Coatings - SUPERCoat Hr60
Result of an advanced technology for the protection of surfaces in construction and architecture, which are exposed to changing weather conditions. A...
Powder Coatings & Coating - Epoxy
Powder Coatings & Coating - Epoxy
The product consists of epoxy resins with suitable hardeners. Its use is advisable when a higher resistance to chemical agents is required. It is sui...
Powder Coatings & Coating - Epoxy Polyester
Powder Coatings & Coating - Epoxy Polyester
The product is made from polyester resin and corresponding epoxy resin. It is suitable for use on: • Metals • Aluminum • Glass • Ceramics • Terracot...

Location and contact

AddressAm Barnberg 2, DE-73560 Böbingen
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