

ProEm, Kobarid 5222
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2014
Employees: 5-9
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7 Product and services

Multi cavity self loading tool
Multi cavity self loading tool
Construction, mold flow analysis and technical drawings for two cavity tool was made. Two obliquely hydraulics side cores and two stage ejecting for p...
Blow mold tool, gas container
Blow mold tool, gas container
Construction, technical drawings were made for blow mold tool. Advanced cooling system was used to achieve shorter blowing cycles. Part used as gas co...
Multi cavity self loading tool
Multi cavity self loading tool
Construction, technical drawings, 3D files for multi cavity self loading tool. Robot loading 4 cavity nut at start of cycle.
Hot runner single, off-center hot block
Hot runner single, off-center hot block
DFM, mold flow, construction, technical drawings, 3D files, Hot runner single, off-center hot block...
Progressive stamping tool
Progressive stamping tool
Construction, technical drawings for progressive stamping tool were made.
Die casting tool, zamak
Die casting tool, zamak
Construction, calculations for mold flow, technical drawings were made for die casting tool (zamak). Advanced venting and runner design was used.
Die casting tool, zamak
Die casting tool, zamak
Construction, flow calculation, technical drawings for die casting tool with interchangeable side cores and interchangeable inserts. More inserts used...

Location and contact

AddressProEm, SI-5222 Kobarid

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