

Reute 17/1, Argenbühl-Eglofs 88260
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1993
Employees: 20-49
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4 Product and services

Air purifier DELPHIN DP S8 with many additional functionsNext
Air purifier DELPHIN DP S8 with many additional functions
The air was sucked into the DOLPHIN. Right at the beginning it is led into the water, whereby dusts and pollutants bind directly in the water. The cli...
Vacuum cleaner with a water filter
Vacuum cleaner with a water filter
Clean the air directly when vacuuming! With the DELPHIN you can solve all typical vacuum cleaner problems. Every vacuum cleaner has to live with the ...
FLIPPER  Wet cleanerNext
FLIPPER Wet cleaner
With the FLIPPER you can turn the DELPHIN into a wet cleaning system. With this attachment a complete wet cleaning system for carpets, upholstery an...
Air cleanerNext
Air cleaner
The air was sucked into the DOLPHIN. Right at the beginning it is led into the water, whereby dusts and pollutants bind directly in the water. The cli...

Location and contact

AddressReute 17/1, DE-88260 Argenbühl-Eglofs

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