Responds reliably


Avenue de la Floride 16, Bruxelles 1180
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1981
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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39 Product and services

Paper Fabrics - Miscellaneous
Paper Fabrics - Miscellaneous
0,00 €
toilet paper, diapers and pads, protections & wipes, paper towels...
Buses and Coaches - Public Transport
Buses and Coaches - Public Transport
0,00 €
Vehicles and Equipment...
Hangars and Warehouses - Industrial Activity Constructions
Hangars and Warehouses - Industrial Activity Constructions
0,00 €
Industrialized constructions...
Civic centers, libraries, party halls - Collective activity constructions
Civic centers, libraries, party halls - Collective activity constructions
0,00 €
Industrialized constructions...
Bush dispensaries and hospitals - Collective construction activities
Bush dispensaries and hospitals - Collective construction activities
0,00 €
Industrialized constructions...
Facility Renovation - Design Office
Facility Renovation - Design Office
0,00 €
Renovation of facilities...
Agricultural Vehicles and Equipment
Agricultural Vehicles and Equipment
0,00 €
Vehicles and Equipment...
Industrial Chicken Coops - Meat Bio-Industry
Industrial Chicken Coops - Meat Bio-Industry
0,00 €
Industrial Chicken Coops...
Printing - Graphic Industries
Printing - Graphic Industries
0,00 €
Graphic Industries...
Schools - Collective Activity Constructions
Schools - Collective Activity Constructions
0,00 €
Industrialized constructions...
Purchasing & Supply - Design Office
Purchasing & Supply - Design Office
0,00 €
Purchasing & Supply...
Microbreweries - Organic Plant Industry
Microbreweries - Organic Plant Industry
0,00 €
Offices & Workshops - Industrial Construction Activities
Offices & Workshops - Industrial Construction Activities
0,00 €
Industrialized constructions...

Location and contact

AddressAvenue de la Floride 16, BE-1180 Bruxelles

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