

Kirchenlamitzer Str. 20, Schwarzenbach / Saale 95126
Delivery: National
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About us
We offer standard processes in the anodizing sector, as well as our own developed functional aluminum oxide coating systems.

4 Product and services

Phosphoric Acid Anodization / PAA
Phosphoric Acid Anodization / PAA
Phosphoric acid anodization is often used as a bonding base for subsequent adhesives or bonding primer applications. These coarse-pored layer systems...
Powder Coating of Metal
Powder Coating of Metal
In powder coating, powder paint is applied to an electrically conductive metal surface. Powder coatings cover a very wide color spectrum and are avai...
Direct Current Sulfuric Acid Oxalic Acid Process (Hartanodisation/GSX)
Direct Current Sulfuric Acid Oxalic Acid Process (Hartanodisation/GSX)
Hard anodizing offers excellent abrasion resistance, high hardness, good sliding properties, and very good corrosion protection. The focus of this pr...
Direct Current Sulfuric Acid Process (DC Process)
Direct Current Sulfuric Acid Process (DC Process)
The GS process offers excellent corrosion protection and is often used for the combination of technical function and decoration. The layers can be ap...

Location and contact

AddressKirchenlamitzer Str. 20, DE-95126 Schwarzenbach / Saale

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