

Rua de S. Mamede nº25, Bragança 5300-903
Employees: 100-199
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About us
In our almond factory, located in the highlands of Portugal, we clean, sort, calibrate, shell, and process our almonds according to the highest standards. We offer a wide variety of processed products in addition to the delicious Natural Almond with skin.

5 Product and services

Sliced Almonds
Sliced Almonds
Appearance and Texture White/beige color, stick shape; Delicate and slightly crunchy texture. Usage Ideal for cereal bars and protein supplements, cho...
Almond Flour
Almond Flour
Appearance and Texture White/beige color; Soft and powdery texture. Usage Ideal for pastries, sauces, butters, almond milk production, low-carb recip...
Natural Almond with Skin
Natural Almond with Skin
Natural Almond with Skin Appearance and Texture Brownish color with various sizes available; Firm and crunchy texture. Usage Ideal for different types...
Granulated Almond
Granulated Almond
Appearance and Texture Small white/beige cubes; Soft or chewy texture. Usage Ideal for crunchy coatings, decoration and flavoring, granola, and yogurt...
Skinless Almond
Skinless Almond
Appearance and Texture White/beige color with various available gauges; Smooth texture. Usage Ideal for baking, almond milk, smoothies, baking, almond...

Location and contact

AddressRua de S. Mamede nº25, PT-5300-903 Bragança

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