

Lilienthalstraße 200, Mannheim 68307
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1945
Employees: 1000+
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10 Product and services

Surge Protection
Surge Protection
In process engineering facilities such as refineries with exposed plant or building components, or extensive water management systems, surge events ca...
Proximity Switch
Proximity Switch
For the safe, contactless detection of metallic objects at distances of up to 100 mm, inductive sensors are the right technical and economic solution ...
Industrial Image Processing
Industrial Image Processing
Industrial image processing represents one of the key sensor technologies of the future. The sensors and systems offered by Pepperl+Fuchs range from v...
Power Supplies
Power Supplies
Pepperl+Fuchs has many years of experience in explosion protection and power supply for hazardous areas. Our power supplies meet the most demanding re...
Ultrasonic Sensors
Ultrasonic Sensors
In industrial applications, ultrasonic sensors stand out not only for their reliability but also for their remarkable versatility. They tackle particu...
Optoelectronic Sensors
Optoelectronic Sensors
In the field of optoelectronics, Pepperl+Fuchs offers a wide portfolio of standard sensors and measurement technology that is precisely tailored to th...
Intrinsically Safe Mobile Devices
Intrinsically Safe Mobile Devices
Whether mobile phone, smartphone, or tablet – all mobile devices are available as variants for use in harsh (industrial) environments or with global A...
Tilt and Acceleration Sensors
Tilt and Acceleration Sensors
Whether for leveling crane trolleys, condition monitoring in large systems, or acceleration control of elevators – the applications for tilt and accel...
Operating and Observing
Operating and Observing
From shock and vibration resistance to outdoor suitability and compliance with GMP guidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) – Pepperl+Fuchs offers a w...
Automation is our world. As diverse as your applications are, so too are the requirements for connection technology. That’s why Pepperl+Fuchs offers a...

Location and contact

AddressLilienthalstraße 200, DE-68307 Mannheim

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