

Avenida Nova, N°54, Serro ventoso, Leiria 2480-217
Employees: 5-9
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3 Product and services

Natural stone slabs - Yellow natural stone slab - Medium
Natural stone slabs - Yellow natural stone slab - Medium
Natural yellow stone slab (medium) 5/6cm Rustic yellow stone slab (medium) 5/6cm Yellow stone for walls Applicable for: paving, cladding, wall constru...
Natural stone slabs - Natural stone slab - Fine
Natural stone slabs - Natural stone slab - Fine
Rustic yellow stone (fine) 2/3cm Rustic yellow slab stone 2/3cm Applicable for: wall cladding, pillars, interior spaces, among others. For more inform...
Natural stone slabs - Yellow natural stone slab - Thick
Natural stone slabs - Yellow natural stone slab - Thick
Rustic natural stone slab with a thickness of 7/8 cm Stone slabs for walls Applicable for: paving, cladding, wall construction, pillars, gardens, amon...

Location and contact

AddressAvenida Nova, N°54, Serro ventoso, PT-2480-217 Leiria
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