

Belle Vue Works Boundary Street Manchester UNITED KINGDOM, Manchester M12 5NG
United Kingdom
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 100-199
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About us
P&B are specialist design and manufacturers of electrical protection and control technologies - including retrofit MV Circuit breakers for Switchgear and Protection Relays with wide-ranging capabilities. Look at our full product offering at https://www.pbsigroup.com/

4 Product and services

Type VOR-S: Replacement for GEC BVP17/VMX, SWS, CX, DX and B - Retrofit MV Switchgear
Type VOR-S: Replacement for GEC BVP17/VMX, SWS, CX, DX and B - Retrofit MV Switchgear
Type VOR-S Vacuum Circuit Breaker Retrofit...
P&B Golds relay retrofit - Retrofit P&B Golds
P&B Golds relay retrofit - Retrofit P&B Golds
For most of the P&B Golds relays we can provide a direct replacement which provides motor overload and earth or overcurrent and earth fault protection...
motorvision MV2 - Electrical protection relays
motorvision MV2 - Electrical protection relays
Motorvision is our flag ship relay having supplied more than 50,000 units to oil, gas and petrochemical sites worldwide since its introduction in 1997...
Replacement for GEC BVP17, Brush VSI/VMV, SWS CX/DX, Reyroll - Retrofit MV Switchgear
Replacement for GEC BVP17, Brush VSI/VMV, SWS CX/DX, Reyroll - Retrofit MV Switchgear
VOR-M circuit breaker/ switchgear designed for replacement of many manufacturers circuit breakers.

Location and contact

AddressBelle Vue Works Boundary Street Manchester UNITED KINGDOM, GB-M12 5NG Manchester

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