gaziantep, Gaziantep 92222
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

spices - cumin mint sumac and oregano
spices - cumin mint sumac and oregano
Payam Baharat services on spice production, sales and marketing fields. Payam Baharat has a mission as obtain spices from the manufacturers with a c...
oregano - many spices as sumac and min and cumin and oregano
oregano - many spices as sumac and min and cumin and oregano
Payam Baharat services on spice production, sales and marketing fields. Payam Baharat has a mission as obtain spices from the manufacturers with a con...
sumac - many kinds od spices like cumin and oregano
sumac - many kinds od spices like cumin and oregano
Payam Baharat services on spice production, sales and marketing fields. Payam Baharat has a mission as obtain spices from the manufacturers with a con...
mint - many spices as sumac and min and cumin and oregano
mint - many spices as sumac and min and cumin and oregano
Payam Baharat services on spice production, sales and marketing fields. Payam Baharat has a mission as obtain spices from the manufacturers with a c...
cumin - many spices like mint and oregano and cumin and sumac
cumin - many spices like mint and oregano and cumin and sumac
Payam Baharat services on spice production, sales and marketing fields. Payam Baharat has a mission as obtain spices from the manufacturers with a con...

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Location and contact

Addressgaziantep, TR-92222 Gaziantep
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