

Wattstrasse 45, Mannheim 68199
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About us

9 Product and services

Stainless Steels, All Designs
Stainless Steels, All Designs
Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless steel constructions, profiles, apparatuses and containers, as well as p...
Sheets to pipes and other shapes up to 3000 mm in length and 30 mm in thickness Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and ...
Sheet Metal Constructions / Apparatus
Sheet Metal Constructions / Apparatus
Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless steel constructions, profiles, apparatuses and containers, as well as p...
Stamping and Sheet Metal Work
Stamping and Sheet Metal Work
-Stamping up to 500 tons -Pressing up to 500 tons Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless steel constructions,...
Shearing Works
Shearing Works
from 0.5 to 20 mm thickness Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless steel constructions, profiles, apparatuses...
Sheet Metal Work
Sheet Metal Work
In every execution including electric, MIG, MAG, TIG, and stud welding, oxy-fuel and plasma cutting. Our services include the manufacturing and plann...
Edge Work
Edge Work
-Up to 6000 mm in length and 20 mm in thickness -Other bending work -Furthermore, all profiles according to drawing Our services include the manufact...
Aluminum, stainless steel, tear, and checkered plates
Aluminum, stainless steel, tear, and checkered plates
Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless steel constructions, profiles, apparatuses and containers, as well as p...
Profile Rollers
Profile Rollers
From the smallest ring to IPN 400 with the largest radius cold-formed. Our services include the manufacturing and planning of all steel and stainless...

Location and contact

AddressWattstrasse 45, DE-68199 Mannheim

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