

ul. Śmieszek 5, Żory 44-240
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2007
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

UVC-190m - UV-C Sterilization Antiviral Lamp - 190W UV-C Lamp for Ventilation System
UVC-190m - UV-C Sterilization Antiviral Lamp - 190W UV-C Lamp for Ventilation System
The UV-C sterilization lamp for ventilation systems kills up to 99.99% of viruses (including coronaviruses), bacteria, and fungi. It is applicable in...
UVC-190 Grease Filter - UV-C Grease Filter for Hoods and Extractors
UVC-190 Grease Filter - UV-C Grease Filter for Hoods and Extractors
The UVC-190gastro is a unique design of a grease filter, intended for the gastronomy sector and industrial exhaust systems from CNC machines, etc. The...
UVC-570m - Antiviral UV-C Sterilization Lamp - 570W UV-C Lamp for Ventilation System
UVC-570m - Antiviral UV-C Sterilization Lamp - 570W UV-C Lamp for Ventilation System
The UV-C sterilization lamp for ventilation systems kills up to 99.99% of viruses (including coronaviruses), bacteria, and fungi. It is applicable in...
Air Humidifier M-17 - Pneumatic Mist Air Humidifier M-17
Air Humidifier M-17 - Pneumatic Mist Air Humidifier M-17
Professional industrial humidifier with high efficiency. The nominal output is 17 l/h = 17 liters of water per hour. By increasing the pressure, highe...
AERO-5S Humidifier - AERO-5S Air Humidification System
AERO-5S Humidifier - AERO-5S Air Humidification System
The industrial air humidification system Aero-5 with a capacity of 102 l/h. The Aero-5S air humidification system is a professional industrial device.

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

Addressul. Śmieszek 5, PL-44-240 Żory

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