

Avda. del Palmar,6,Silla,Valencia, España, Ortus Fitness, Silla 46460
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1989
Employees: 20-49
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9 Product and services

Lever Machine - Shoulder Lever Machine EH04
Lever Machine - Shoulder Lever Machine EH04
Its design facilitates the execution of military press or behind-the-neck exercises depending on the angle of the backrest. The Shoulder Lever Machine...
AXIS 360 FIT Functional Training Machine - A tool designed for health, athletic performance, and aesthetics
AXIS 360 FIT Functional Training Machine - A tool designed for health, athletic performance, and aesthetics
Axis 360 Fit is everything you need for a comprehensive contribution to training. It allows for very healthy exercise. The possibilities are endless, ...
ED11 Dorsal Lever Machine
ED11 Dorsal Lever Machine
ED11 Dorsal Lever Machine for exercising the major muscle groups of the back. Its design provides an increase in the effective range of motion and an ...
Functional Modular Structure Cyro for Gym - The most versatile model within the functional cage families.
Functional Modular Structure Cyro for Gym - The most versatile model within the functional cage families.
Modular Functional Structures for Gyms designed with new and smarter ways to configure. Allowing for greater functionality in a creative manner for sp...
Multipower and Dual Pulley - Training Machine that allows us to work on major muscle groups
Multipower and Dual Pulley - Training Machine that allows us to work on major muscle groups
Multipower and Dual Pulley KS09 for Training with biomechanical functionality. Featuring an outstanding ergonomic design, providing maximum effectiven...
RackWorks - Open your center with your registered brand and RackWorks® working method
RackWorks - Open your center with your registered brand and RackWorks® working method
The new concept of individual and personalized training This training Box arises from the need for more personalized and individual training, both in...
Cardiovascular Line - Cardio Equipment
Cardiovascular Line - Cardio Equipment
Cardiovascular Equipment for Gyms undoubtedly provides benefits in both sports medicine and rehabilitation. Cardiovascular exercise increases heart ra...
Machines for sports and fitness centers - Manufacturer of gym equipment
Machines for sports and fitness centers - Manufacturer of gym equipment
Company specialized in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of fitness facilities and equipment.
Training Room Sports Equipment - Ortus Fitness designs professional equipment
Training Room Sports Equipment - Ortus Fitness designs professional equipment
The Spanish company Ortus Fitness has been designing professional equipment since 1986 for both the national and international markets. With over 30 y...

Location and contact

AddressAvda. del Palmar,6,Silla,Valencia, España, Ortus Fitness, ES-46460 Silla

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