Belediye evleri mahallesi. canik SAMSUN/TURKEY, SAMSUN 55400
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2007
Employees: 1000+
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About us
As Orsamtıp, we manufacture Sterilization Containers, Sterile Wire Baskets, Sterile Hospital Slippers, and a wide variety of surgical instruments. We also export Orthopedic Implants, Titanium Implants, and Carbon External Fixators. Our quality is certified by CE and ISO 13485:2003. Our policy is to provide high quality at low prices and to deliver the ordered product to the buyer as quickly as possible. If you are interested in our company, please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
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Location and contact

AddressBelediye evleri mahallesi. canik SAMSUN/TURKEY, TR-55400 SAMSUN
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