

ATB Is Merkezi I Blok No:226 Macunköy, Yenimahalle, Ankara 06105
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2011
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Naturpy Propolis Atom Tea - Winter Tea
Naturpy Propolis Atom Tea - Winter Tea
With Naturpy Atom Tea, every sip brings you the flavors and benefits of plants you've been missing. Naturpy Atom Tea is a herbal product made from car...
Naturpy Organic Oat Flour - Organic Oat Flour
Naturpy Organic Oat Flour - Organic Oat Flour
Organic Oat Flour Without Additives...
Naturpy Taco Spice Snack Crisps - Gluten-Free Crisps
Naturpy Taco Spice Snack Crisps - Gluten-Free Crisps
Gluten-Free Taco Seasoning Snack 200 G. (Locally Produced) Ingredients: Corn flour, rice flour, vegetable oil (sunflower), demineralized whey powde...
Naturpy Crunchy Cereal Balls (Gluten-Free) - Gluten-Free Breakfast Cereal
Naturpy Crunchy Cereal Balls (Gluten-Free) - Gluten-Free Breakfast Cereal
Naturpy Gluten-Free Crunchy Balls Ingredients; Chocolate cereal balls: Corn flour, rice flour, white granulated sugar, cocoa, chocolate (sugar, cocoa ...
Naturpy Corn Flakes (Gluten-Free) - Gluten-Free Breakfast Cereal
Naturpy Corn Flakes (Gluten-Free) - Gluten-Free Breakfast Cereal
A health treasure you can enjoy at any hour of the day: Corn Flakes As you know, there are many different ways to consume cereal flakes. Marketimes B...
Dr. Gluten Organic Corn Flakes (Gluten-Free) - Organic Gluten-Free Breakfast Corn Flakes
Dr. Gluten Organic Corn Flakes (Gluten-Free) - Organic Gluten-Free Breakfast Corn Flakes
{"Consumption":"Dr. Gluten organic corn flakes can be enjoyed as a direct snack, mixed with milk, honey, molasses, or breakfast muesli, and can also b...
Naturpy X Plus Atom Tea - Herbal Tea
Naturpy X Plus Atom Tea - Herbal Tea
Naturpy Atom Xplus comes in a cube shape and can be enjoyed as a winter tea during the cold months or as a refreshing cold drink in the heat of summer...
Dr. Gluten Organic Crunchy Cereal Balls (Gluten-Free) - Organic Gluten-Free Breakfast Crunchy Cereal Balls
Dr. Gluten Organic Crunchy Cereal Balls (Gluten-Free) - Organic Gluten-Free Breakfast Crunchy Cereal Balls
{"Consumption":"Dr. Gluten organic crispy cereal balls can be enjoyed as a direct snack, mixed with milk, honey, molasses, breakfast muesli cereals, o...
Naturpy Baby Biscuit - Baby Biscuit
Naturpy Baby Biscuit - Baby Biscuit
Naturpy Organic Whole Wheat Flour, Sugar-Free Goat Milk Baby Biscuit Features: In response to the indispensable value of breast milk, babies begin to...
Naturpy Organic Oatmeal - Oatmeal
Naturpy Organic Oatmeal - Oatmeal
Organic Oatmeal...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressATB Is Merkezi I Blok No:226 Macunköy, Yenimahalle, TR-06105 Ankara

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