Eulenweg 20a, Lüneburg 21337
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8 Product and services

Cardboard Lid
Cardboard Lid
Cardboard covers neutral or printed, with or without flap for optimal sealing of the product. Cardboard material according to DIN 19303, optionally in...
Licorice Nonpareils and Ufolinos
Licorice Nonpareils and Ufolinos
Ice-stable mini lentils with chocolate filling and a licorice coating or black licorice sugar pearls, with versatile applications in and on ice cream ...
Gluten-Free Waffle Crunch
Gluten-Free Waffle Crunch
Ideal as a topping or filling for ice cream, yogurt, pastries, chocolate, and many other delicious products. The full crunch experience is now also a...
Ufolinos - Chocolate Lentils
Ufolinos - Chocolate Lentils
Colorful mini lentils with chocolate filling and a special coating to prevent bleeding in ice cream. The use of our Ufolinos is versatile: as decorat...
Waffle Crunch
Waffle Crunch
Ideal as a topping or filling for ice cream, yogurt, pastries, chocolate, and many other delicious products. The unique taste experience of the crisp...
Plastic Packaging
Plastic Packaging
Plastic packaging for ice or other products offers optimal protection for every product. Available in A-PET, PS, PVC, or PP in your colors. Versions ...
The classic squeeze pouch in very good quality and print execution, also available with aluminum plate. Available in 4 sizes: 70ml, 80ml, 110ml, 120m...
Chewing Gum
Chewing Gum
The well-known gum balls and sticks, perfect for ice cream or dispensers. Gum balls with a soft core and hard shell, making them shape-stable and sui...

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AddressEulenweg 20a, DE-21337 Lüneburg
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