

Turkey, Ankara, Turgut Özal 2 Blv No:1 D:6, Ankara 06070
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 100-199
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About us

5 Product and services

Onatpan Red – Fire Resistant
Onatpan Red – Fire Resistant
ONATPAN Red is a plasterboard with increased fire resistance property, coated with double-sided special paper using natural gypsum stone and advanced ...
Peronat - Perlite Plaster
Peronat - Perlite Plaster
Peronat is applied on bricks, gross concretes, gas concretes , pumice blocks etc. It is a bagged gypsum-based ready to use plaster that can be applied...
Onatpan White – Standard
Onatpan White – Standard
ONATPAN White is a flexible, lightweight plasterboard product with improved workability property, coated with double-sided special paper using natural...
Makonat - Machine Plaster
Makonat - Machine Plaster
Makonat is applied on bricks , concretes, gas concretes, pumice blocks etc. It is a bagged gypsum-based ready to use plaster that can be applied direc...
Satonat - Satin Finishing Plaster
Satonat - Satin Finishing Plaster
Satonat- Satin Finishing Plaster an under paint yerine a last coat finishing plaster with highly adhesive. It can be applied on the plaster surfaces p...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Bill of exchange
Credit card
Mail transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressTurkey, Ankara, Turgut Özal 2 Blv No:1 D:6, TR-06070 Ankara

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