

115 Rue des Frères Lumière, Chaponnay 69970
Delivery: National
Founded: 2003
Employees: 20-49
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About us

6 Product and services

Study and Engineering
Study and Engineering
Our Design Office develops and designs production means for the industry. From a part, a plan, or a 3D model, we can carry out the design and study of...
Maintenance Tools
Maintenance Tools
Our services offer maintenance for your tools through periodic checks and technical assistance. The development of a tracking sheet system allows us t...
General and Precision Mechanics
General and Precision Mechanics
Today, we are approached for projects from various sectors: automotive, home appliances, public works, medical, cosmetics, electronics, aerospace, nuc...
Injection and Foundry Molds
Injection and Foundry Molds
OMS Industrie manufactures injection, compression, and foundry molds. Skills dedicated to your production: - New mold developed before production, - ...
Our workshop is equipped with 5 electro-erosion machines: 4 wire-cut and 1 sinker. Wire electro-erosion is one of the machining types that allows for ...
Press Tooling
Press Tooling
Our toolmakers can meet your requirements in terms of quality and deadlines. Their experience is a major asset during the development of recovery, fol...

Location and contact

Address115 Rue des Frères Lumière, FR-69970 Chaponnay
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