

Am Dörrenhof 11 b, Pollenfeld-Preith 85131
Founded: 3
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Notum represents years of experience and unique problem-solving expertise, recognized as an expert in the fields of handling technology and special machine construction. - Balancer - Manipulators - Shim - ShimSystem

3 Product and services

SuperFlow-40-800-01 / Pneumatic Balancer
SuperFlow-40-800-01 / Pneumatic Balancer
Innovative type of pneumatic balancers • cost-effective alternative to conventional rope balancers, vacuum tube lifters, and chain hoists...
Adjustment Plates, Shim Sheet, Adjustment Shims, Setting Plates, Setting Shims, Shim Sheet, Fine Sheet, Spring Steel Sheet
Adjustment Plates, Shim Sheet, Adjustment Shims, Setting Plates, Setting Shims, Shim Sheet, Fine Sheet, Spring Steel Sheet
Shims - Adjustment Plates - Setting Plates are used for adjustable applications in fixture and special machine construction as well as in design (all ...
Shim case - SK / with custom tuning plate configuration according to customer specifications
Shim case - SK / with custom tuning plate configuration according to customer specifications
Stable metal case for assembly operations, with two loading levels, custom loading with adjustment plates according to customer specifications (standa...

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Location and contact

AddressAm Dörrenhof 11 b, DE-85131 Pollenfeld-Preith

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