

Téléport 1, Arobase2, Avenue du futuroscope, Chasseneuil Du Poitou 86360
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
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6 Product and services

ADR Engine - ADR Plate and Label Identification Module
ADR Engine - ADR Plate and Label Identification Module
Our Automatic Recognition Engine for plates related to the transport of Dangerous Goods: ADR/IMDG/RID... We offer to identify/read the ADR plates of t...
TREX-CONTAINER - Automatic Container Code Recognition Solution (ACCR)
TREX-CONTAINER - Automatic Container Code Recognition Solution (ACCR)
This solution aims at the automatic identification of container codes (ACCR) but not only that: it also allows for the inspection of container damages...
TREX-WAGON - Automatic wagon number and container code recognition solution
TREX-WAGON - Automatic wagon number and container code recognition solution
When a train arrives at a checkpoint, TREX-WAGON automatically captures and recognizes the wagon numbers and the container codes being transported. Th...
TREX-UVSS - Vehicle Chassis Inspection Solution
TREX-UVSS - Vehicle Chassis Inspection Solution
TREX-UVSS is an inspection solution that allows for the efficient and safe monitoring of vehicle chassis. When a vehicle passes over the scanner, the ...
TREX-PARKING - Automatic License Plate Recognition Solution (ANPR/LAPI)
TREX-PARKING - Automatic License Plate Recognition Solution (ANPR/LAPI)
TREX-PARKING is a flexible and modular solution that utilizes the latest high-resolution digital camera technologies and LED lighting. In practice, w...
Automatic inspection system that effectively assists in the safe control of the entire chassis and lower parts of a train. When a train passes a capt...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressTéléport 1, Arobase2, Avenue du futuroscope, FR-86360 Chasseneuil Du Poitou

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