

Obere Wiesen 4, Donaueschingen 78166
Founded: 2009
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10 Product and services

Magnet Accessories
Magnet Accessories
At MTS Magnets, you will find a wide range of accessories: adhesive discs, adhesive points, rubber sleeves, self-adhesive holding discs, handles, clam...
Magnetic Strips & Magnetic Sheets
Magnetic Strips & Magnetic Sheets
Our magnetic tapes and films are ideal for labeling and marking storage, goods, or other items. Discover the variety at MTS Magnets.
Pot Magnets for Adhesive Application
Pot Magnets for Adhesive Application
These flat grippers have been specifically designed for gluing or pressing in. The steel cup protects the magnet from impacts and aligns the magnetic ...
Magnets for Product Display
Magnets for Product Display
MTS is your partner for magnets in the field of product presentation. We offer various hook magnets and magnets for display and poster systems in clas...
Disc Magnets
Disc Magnets
We supply disc magnets in every size, specifically for industrial use. We also offer discs with holes and countersinks, as well as self-adhesive and r...
Magnetic Strips
Magnetic Strips
Our magnetic strips are specially designed for tool storage or for the secure storage of small parts and accessories.
Magnets for Training and Experiments
Magnets for Training and Experiments
Specifically for educational purposes or experimentation, we offer various school magnets and practical magnetic applications for trying out and marve...
Bar Magnets
Bar Magnets
Rod magnets are used in many industrial applications (e.g., reed contacts, soft-close systems, etc.). At MTS, you can find not only standard sizes but...
Magnetic Door Stopper
Magnetic Door Stopper
Magnetic door stoppers and door stops are ideal for keeping metal doors open. We also offer various systems for smaller doors or flaps. Contact us!
Pot magnets with hole
Pot magnets with hole
These special flat gripper systems with cylindrical holes are ideally suited for the use of special screws with larger screw heads.

Location and contact

AddressObere Wiesen 4, DE-78166 Donaueschingen
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