Beethovengasse 7, Gänserndorf 2230
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About us
We are your competent partner for your individual event!

5 Product and services

Video Technology (Rental)
Video Technology (Rental)
We are a service and trading company in the field of event technology. With our extensive rental inventory, we can quickly and individually set the sc...
Sound Technology (Rental)
Sound Technology (Rental)
We are a service and trading company in the field of event technology. With our extensive rental inventory, we can quickly and individually set the st...
Stage Roof 8m x 6m x 5m...
Lighting Technology (Rental)
Lighting Technology (Rental)
We are a service and trading company in the field of event technology. With our extensive rental inventory, we can quickly and individually set the sc...
Staging, Rigging, Traverses & Stages (Rental)
Staging, Rigging, Traverses & Stages (Rental)
We are a service and trading company in the field of event technology. With our extensive rental inventory, we can quickly and individually set the sc...

Location and contact

AddressBeethovengasse 7, AT-2230 Gänserndorf
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