Südallee 36, Trier 54290
Founded: 1980
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Sales and service of copying and printing systems as well as PC and software solutions. Office furnishings, planning up to the final assembly of office furniture.

8 Product and services

Papyrus Rainbow Intensive Copy Paper
Papyrus Rainbow Intensive Copy Paper
Premium paper with excellent runnability, high aging resistance, and color fastness, as well as suitability for toys. Format: A4 Weight: 80 g/m² Cont...
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Disc Rotating Chair
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Disc Rotating Chair
The Disc Support Swivel Chair No. 1 meets the latest ergonomic and occupational health standards. The synchronous mechanism with weight adjustment en...
Sitmate The Disc Cushion Chair No. 1 MASTER
Sitmate The Disc Cushion Chair No. 1 MASTER
The innovative disc chair No. 1 with the patented Dr. med. Stehle disc seat ensures medically sound sitting. The SYNCHRO-PLUS mechanism with weight a...
Philips Duplex Stethoscope for 720, 725, 730
Philips Duplex Stethoscope for 720, 725, 730
Accessories for Dictation and Playback Devices Item Name: Headphones Manufacturer Part Number: LFH0234/10 Item Number: 904911...
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Chef Chair
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Chef Chair
This elegant executive chair impresses with its high-quality craftsmanship and meets the highest standards! Height-adjustable backrest with integrate...
Q-Connect Shredder Oil
Q-Connect Shredder Oil
Regular oiling ensures consistently good cutting results. • Biodegradable • Suitable for all particle-cut models • After each emptying of the collect...
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Disc Rotating Chair
ZeroLimits Gernot Steifensand PROFI Disc Rotating Chair
The Disc Support Office Chair No. 1 meets the latest ergonomic and occupational health standards. The synchronous mechanism with weight adjustment en...
Sitmate Men's Chair No. 1 MISTER
Sitmate Men's Chair No. 1 MISTER
The aesthetic office swivel chair by Dr. med. M. Sababi features a clear design and straight lines. Available with either DIN upholstery or a patente...

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AddressSüdallee 36, DE-54290 Trier
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