Otto-Schott-Strasse 13, Jena 07745
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About us
PAKETIN - the secure, neutral, and individual parcel access (parcel box, package box, etc.) for receiving/returning all deliveries around the clock at your doorstep, even when you are not at home.

3 Product and services

Package Box PAKETINsafe
Package Box PAKETINsafe
The PAKETINsafe is the large parcel box. It combines three important factors that our customers value: a large parcel box with high security at a low ...
Depot Cabinet PAKETINpremium
Depot Cabinet PAKETINpremium
PAKETINpremium is durable, value-retaining, and secure due to its massive concrete casing, and its dimensions make it suitable for almost all sizes of...
Parcel box solutions for the housing industry - PAKETINwowi
Parcel box solutions for the housing industry - PAKETINwowi
PAKETINwowi has been specifically developed for the housing industry. Due to its robustness and number of compartments, the package box system is suit...

Location and contact

AddressOtto-Schott-Strasse 13, DE-07745 Jena
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