

Otto-Hahn-Strasse 8, Heiligenhaus 42579
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1990
Employees: 20-49
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11 Product and services

Housing Cover - Die Casting
Housing Cover - Die Casting
Housing cover with 3mm wall thickness Weight: approx. 5.9 kg Dimensions: 520mm X 320mm X 200mm...
Gear cover for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
Gear cover for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
This part requires an exceptionally homogeneous structure due to the extremely high demands and is manufactured by us, including processing, within a ...
Housing for Electric Chain Hoist Mounts - Die Casting
Housing for Electric Chain Hoist Mounts - Die Casting
This housing is subjected to extreme demands, as the entire gearbox, including the load to be lifted, is supported by only two connection lugs. This p...
Gearbox housing for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
Gearbox housing for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
This part requires an exceptionally homogeneous structure due to the extremely high demands and is manufactured by us, including processing, within a ...
Joint Piece BMW for Motorcycle Brake Lever - Die Casting
Joint Piece BMW for Motorcycle Brake Lever - Die Casting
This part is used in BMW motorcycles. Weight: approx. 50 grams.
Stand Base - Die CastNext
Stand Base - Die Cast
Stand Base Weight: approx. 0.65 kg...
Gear cover for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
Gear cover for high-stress crane drives - Die casting
This part requires an exceptionally homogeneous structure due to the extremely high demands and is manufactured by us, including processing, within a ...
Cover for Electrical Component - Die CastingNext
Cover for Electrical Component - Die Casting
Cover for electrical component Weight: approx. 1.1 kg...
Cross-section model of a fuel filter for truck engines - Die casting
Cross-section model of a fuel filter for truck engines - Die casting
This filter is tested for 100% pressure tightness. Weight: approx. 1.8kg Dimensions: approx. 300mm x 200mm x 188mm...
Model of Air Filter with Water Separator - Die Casting
Model of Air Filter with Water Separator - Die Casting
Required for compressed air treatment.
Gear plate for high-load crane drives - Die casting
Gear plate for high-load crane drives - Die casting
This part requires an exceptionally homogeneous structure due to the extremely high demands and is manufactured by us, including processing, within a ...

Company images

AluruckgussmaschineCNC MachiningCasting TechnologyQuality ControlGear coverGehäusedeckelCoverGear cover

Location and contact

AddressOtto-Hahn-Strasse 8, DE-42579 Heiligenhaus

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