Hexenbergstrasse 5, Bad Berka 99438
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9 Product and services

Decorative Tip LA 103
Decorative Tip LA 103
Decorative Tip LA 103, Diameter 31mm, Height 180mm, Width 55mm...
Decorative Rod V2A 3504
Decorative Rod V2A 3504
Decorative Rod V2A 3504, Length 1000 mm, Material - V2A 1.4301, 12 mm - Round, available with decorative ball + collar made of V2A or brass...
Starting Rod 201005
Starting Rod 201005
Starting bar 201005, Length: 1100 - 1200 mm Square - 20 mm, Decorative element in the middle...
Hinge SE 120-20
Hinge SE 120-20
Hinge SE 120-20, galvanized, with bracket, raw, M 20 mm...
V2A Pipe V2A 1010
V2A Pipe V2A 1010
Stainless Steel Pipe V2A, Diameter - 42.4 mm x 2 mm, Surface: 240 grit polished, not annealed, Length: 3 m, also available in 6 m...
End Cap V2A 1100 Flat
End Cap V2A 1100 Flat
End cap V2A 1100, flat, for pipe 42.4 mm x 2 mm...
Handrail Bracket V2A 1230
Handrail Bracket V2A 1230
Handrail bracket V2A 1230, with thread M 8 mm...
Sliding Gate Drive Set Bull 624
Sliding Gate Drive Set Bull 624
Sliding Gate Drive Set Bull 624 24 Volt, up to 600 kg gate weight - Non-contact limit switches - Force cut-off - Walk door function - Automatic trave...
Cover Cap SC 100
Cover Cap SC 100
Cover Cap SC 100, square, 100 x 100 mm...

Location and contact

AddressHexenbergstrasse 5, DE-99438 Bad Berka
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