

Ockerweg 3, Gießen 35396
Founded: 1989
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22 Product and services

Table Scale and Portable Scale - Checkweigher, Counting Scale, etc.
Table Scale and Portable Scale - Checkweigher, Counting Scale, etc.
Compact, reliable scales for dry and wet industrial environments Compact bench scales are characterized by precision, robust construction, and user-f...
Chip Calorimetry - Flash DSC - Chip Calorimeter
Chip Calorimetry - Flash DSC - Chip Calorimeter
Dynamic Differential Calorimetry Using Fast Chip Calorimetry The Flash DSC 1 revolutionizes the DSC method. It enables the analysis of previously unm...
Seminars and Workshops for the Laboratory
Seminars and Workshops for the Laboratory
Targeted and sustainable further education is of great importance in all areas of work today. We support you with a variety of training opportunities.
Thermogravimetric Analysis - TGA - Thermogravimetry
Thermogravimetric Analysis - TGA - Thermogravimetry
Component analysis, determination of residues, and thermal stability with thermogravimetric analysis devices Achieve reliable results such as composi...
pH Electrode - pH Sensor - pH Probe - pH Meter - pH Measuring Device
pH Electrode - pH Sensor - pH Probe - pH Meter - pH Measuring Device
Reliable Redox pH Electrode for Measurements in Processes and Water Our extensive portfolio of inline solutions enables pH and redox measurements in ...
Dynamic Differential Calorimetry - DSC Analysis - DSC Measurement
Dynamic Differential Calorimetry - DSC Analysis - DSC Measurement
Determination of Glass Transition Temperature and Crystallization Using Dynamic Differential Calorimetry. Thanks to their modular design, the DSC ins...
Pipette - Single-channel pipette and Multi-channel pipette
Pipette - Single-channel pipette and Multi-channel pipette
Handling of Liquids in the Field of Life Sciences Rainin, a company of METTLER TOLEDO, is the world's leading provider of advanced pipetting solution...
We offer you a diverse selection of laboratory scales and industrial scales. Platform scales - Bench scales - Floor scales - Weighbridges - Truck sca...
Analytical Balance
Analytical Balance
The standard analytical balances from METTLER TOLEDO offer readability of up to 0.1 mg and maximum capacities of up to 220 g. The load cell with elec...
Checkout Scale - Weighing at the Checkout Area
Checkout Scale - Weighing at the Checkout Area
Weighing at the Checkout: Speed is Key! Superior transaction speeds provide your busy customers with faster checkout processes and shorter weighing t...
Digital Density Meter - Density Measurement
Digital Density Meter - Density Measurement
Precise Vibrations from Our Density Measurement Devices Density measurement devices from METTLER TOLEDO are the optimal choice for determining densit...
Analyzer for germ count and total organic carbon content - TOC measurement - germ count determination
Analyzer for germ count and total organic carbon content - TOC measurement - germ count determination
Real-time Monitoring of Microbial Contaminations Testing pharmaceutical water for microbial contamination has historically led to lengthy delays due ...
Oxygen Sensor - Sensor for Dissolved Oxygen - Oxygen Measuring Device - O2 Sensor - Oxygen Electrode
Oxygen Sensor - Sensor for Dissolved Oxygen - Oxygen Measuring Device - O2 Sensor - Oxygen Electrode
Advanced sensors for dissolved oxygen for the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, microelectronics, and pure water applications Optical sen...
Transmitter - Measuring devices for monitoring and controlling inline measurement systems
Transmitter - Measuring devices for monitoring and controlling inline measurement systems
Precision instruments for monitoring process and water analysis parameters. Transmitters are an integral part of inline measurement systems for monit...
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis - TGA DSC - Measurement of Weight Change and Heat Flow
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis - TGA DSC - Measurement of Weight Change and Heat Flow
More information through the measurement of weight change and heat flow using instruments for simultaneous thermal analysis. The TGA/DSC 3+ provides ...

Location and contact

AddressOckerweg 3, DE-35396 Gießen

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