

Kemerting 12 a, Haiming 84533
Founded: 2014
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About us

5 Product and services

Software Solutions for Businesses
Software Solutions for Businesses
Integration of various IT systems for different cross-company process steps...
Services of our Testing Laboratory
Services of our Testing Laboratory
Metal Check GmbH Germany applies for accreditation according to EN ISO/IEC 17025, thereby demonstrating its compliance with standards and professional...
Testing Laboratories
Testing Laboratories
Metal Check GmbH Germany applies for accreditation according to EN ISO/IEC 17025, thereby demonstrating its compliance with standards and professional...
X-ray Films - Foma Indux R4 - Vacuum with 0.027 mm Pb
X-ray Films - Foma Indux R4 - Vacuum with 0.027 mm Pb
X-ray films with BAM certification according to EN ISO 11699-1 System Class C3 (ASTM system class I and ASTM E 1815) Foma Indux can also be developed...
X-ray Films - Foma Indux R5 - Vacuum with 0.025 mm Pb
X-ray Films - Foma Indux R5 - Vacuum with 0.025 mm Pb
X-ray films with BAM certification according to EN ISO 11699-1 System Class C4 (ASTM system class I and ASTM E 1815) Foma Indux can also be developed...

Location and contact

AddressKemerting 12 a, DE-84533 Haiming
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