

akdeniz mahallesi karatas blv. no:455/4/14 yuregir, Adana 01291
Founded: 2021
Employees: 5-9
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About us
We process and distribute natural casings and byproducts from sheep, goat, and beef cattle. We work to meet our customers' quality requirements. Through our selection process, we can deliver casings and byproducts to your manufacturing needs. Our delivery process keeps the goods fresh and pure. We can satisfy all your technical requirements: salted, in brine, and vacuum pack.

10 Product and services

Natural Intestines - Natural Intestines
Natural Intestines - Natural Intestines
9 Metre Bundle of Assorted, Salted Beef Thick Intestine...
Natural Intestine - Natural Intestines
Natural Intestine - Natural Intestines
18 meter bundle 3-4 pieces Natural Beef Thin Intestine...
Sheep/Lamb Caul Fat
Sheep/Lamb Caul Fat
curtain oil obtained from sheep fed in a natural/organic way...
Natural Organic Beef Bone Marrow
Natural Organic Beef Bone Marrow
15 cm (Canoe Cut), 5 cm (Cross Cut) cut, shock-frozen natural/organic Beef Marrow Bone...
Natural Beef Bladder Casings
Natural Beef Bladder Casings
small-medium-large natural cattle bladder...
Lamb Tail Fat
Lamb Tail Fat
Sheep tail fat obtained from sheep fed on pasture.
Natural Sheep Intestine - Natural Intestines
Natural Sheep Intestine - Natural Intestines
Assorted 100 yards 11-14-16 pieces Natural Sheep Intestine...
Natural Goat Casings
Natural Goat Casings
100 yard assorted 14-16 pieces, salted goat intestines...
natural beef small intestine - natural beef intestine
natural beef small intestine - natural beef intestine
50cm-80cm calibrated salted...
Veal Sweetbreads
Veal Sweetbreads
Sleepy meat obtained from grass-fed cattle and calves.

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Location and contact

Addressakdeniz mahallesi karatas blv. no:455/4/14 yuregir, TR-01291 Adana

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