

Seestrasse 161, Steckborn 8266
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1972
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9 Product and services

Stick Machine for Professionals and Industry
Stick Machine for Professionals and Industry
More efficient, flexible, and profitable embroidery – Produce up to 100% more efficiently with modular multi-head embroidery machines at up to 50% low...
Melco Fast Clamp
Melco Fast Clamp
The Melco Fast Clamp – or MFC for short – is the solution for almost all hard-to-clamp items. Thanks to its adjustable clamping arms in height, width,...
Melco Fusion Personalization Software
Melco Fusion Personalization Software
Melco Fusion makes mass customization a breeze! Personalize products of all kinds – Melco Fusion provides you with ready-to-use production files for e...
Beginner's Embroidery Machine
Beginner's Embroidery Machine
We make embroidery profitable and easy for beginners – thanks to top-notch service and products optimized for you.
Cap Embroidery Machine
Cap Embroidery Machine
Benefit from the best embroidery machine for caps. Here's how to embroider with the Melco EMT16X at speeds of up to 1200 stitches per minute on caps, ...
Melco DesignShop 11 Stick Software
Melco DesignShop 11 Stick Software
Melco DesignShop 11 – The professional punch software from the inventor of punch software!
Melco EFS Personalization Software
Melco EFS Personalization Software
Melco EFS makes mass customization a breeze! Personalize products of all kinds – Melco EFS provides you with ready-to-use production files for embroid...
Used Embroidery Machine
Used Embroidery Machine
We offer you Melco AMAYA, AMAYA XT, AMAYA XTS, EMT16, and EMT16plus as used embroidery machines. They are fully refurbished and sold with a warranty.
Melco EMT16X Embroidery Machine
Melco EMT16X Embroidery Machine
The Melco EMT16X offers you 19 unique advantages for your embroidery. The development focused on maximizing productivity, flexibility, and simplicity.

Location and contact

AddressSeestrasse 161, CH-8266 Steckborn

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