

Kornbühlstrasse 100-102, Burladingen 72393
Founded: 1999
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22 Product and services

HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezers Connector / Double Banana Plug)
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezers Connector / Double Banana Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug Angled / Erbe-ACC/ICC-VIO Plug)
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug Angled / Erbe-ACC/ICC-VIO Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled / Double Banana Plug)
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled / Double Banana Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled with Small Shaft / Double Banana Plug)
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled with Small Shaft / Double Banana Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and safe connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous plu...
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Socket Connector Deep / Valleylab, Conmed, Bovie, Bowa)
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Socket Connector Deep / Valleylab, Conmed, Bovie, Bowa)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Monopolar (Storz Resectoscope Connector / 4mm Connector, Erbe T)
HF Cable Monopolar (Storz Resectoscope Connector / 4mm Connector, Erbe T)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug with Sliding Sleeve / Erbe-ACC/ICC-VIO Plug)
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug with Sliding Sleeve / Erbe-ACC/ICC-VIO Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Handle
HF Handle
Our HF hand grips are thoughtfully designed, featuring an application-oriented outer contour that forms a secure unit with the generators. To meet in...
HF Cable Bipolar (Wolf-MIC Instrument Connector / Double Banana Plug)
HF Cable Bipolar (Wolf-MIC Instrument Connector / Double Banana Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and safe connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous plu...
HF Cable Bipolar (Euro Flat Plug Protected Angled / Martin-Berchtold Connector)
HF Cable Bipolar (Euro Flat Plug Protected Angled / Martin-Berchtold Connector)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Bipolar (Wolf-MIC Instrument Connector / Erbe-Storz Connector)
HF Cable Bipolar (Wolf-MIC Instrument Connector / Erbe-Storz Connector)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Bipolar (Euro Flat Plug Protected Angled / Olympus, Söring, Coa Comp, Erbe VIO)
HF Cable Bipolar (Euro Flat Plug Protected Angled / Olympus, Söring, Coa Comp, Erbe VIO)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled / Erbe EMC Connector)
HF Cable Bipolar (US Round Pin Tweezer Connector Angled / Erbe EMC Connector)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug / Olympus Plug)
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug / Olympus Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug with Hexagon / Erbe ACC/ICC VIO Plug)
HF Cable Monopolar (4mm Spring Basket Plug with Hexagon / Erbe ACC/ICC VIO Plug)
Our HF cables provide a reliable and secure connection to all common generators. The extensive range includes both standard connectors and numerous p...

Location and contact

AddressKornbühlstrasse 100-102, DE-72393 Burladingen

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