

Inglewood, Springfield lane, Rochdale OL16 2RS
United Kingdom
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2005
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Supply and support of Full duplex radio systems for use in sporting events Football, Rugby, Hockey, Polo, Water polo, Handball, Basketball. For referees and referee assistants. Full duplex radios for use in TV and film production, Concerts, Theater, and staged productions. Full Duplex radios for the construction industry.

8 Product and services

Yapalong 2 unit referees starter pack - Yapalong 2 unit referees starter pack
Yapalong 2 unit referees starter pack - Yapalong 2 unit referees starter pack
The YAPALONG - 4000 2 unit starter pack Referees Radio unit is a portable radio terminal used for creating an encrypted full-duplex communication syst...
Yapalong Referee Radios - Referee Radios
Yapalong Referee Radios - Referee Radios
Yapalong Radio Technology Yapalong is the name of our brand of full-duplex radio communications system, allowing for two-way conversation between u...
Cadex C7400 - Cadex Battery testing
Cadex C7400 - Cadex Battery testing
The Cadex C7x00 Series battery analyzers offer a platform that fulfills virtually all battery testing and conditioning needs. With features such as Qu...
Cadex C7200 - Cadex Battery Analyzers
Cadex C7200 - Cadex Battery Analyzers
The Cadex C7x00 Series battery analyzers offer a platform that fulfills virtually all battery testing and conditioning needs. With features such as Qu...
Cadex C7400-ER - Cadex battery analyzer
Cadex C7400-ER - Cadex battery analyzer
The Cadex C7400ER is the most powerful of the C7000 Series battery analyzers. Six amps per station, service of 36 volt batteries and 170 watts of cont...
Yapalong 5000 Series Full Duplex radio
Yapalong 5000 Series Full Duplex radio
Yapalong is the name of our brand of full-duplex radio communications system, allowing for two-way conversation between users simultaneously. This res...
Cadex C8000 - Cadex C8000 advanced battery analyser
Cadex C8000 - Cadex C8000 advanced battery analyser
DIGITAL ADVANTAGE Digital technology has the advantage of delivering extended test range, ultimate stability and high power in a compact housing. Eac...
Yapalong 4000 4 unit pack - Yapalong 4000 4 unit pack
Yapalong 4000 4 unit pack - Yapalong 4000 4 unit pack
The YAPALONG - 4000 4 unit pack Referees Radio unit is a portable radio terminal used for creating an encrypted full-duplex communication system. For4...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressInglewood, Springfield lane, GB-OL16 2RS Rochdale

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