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Karower Str. 17, Berlin 13125
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2019
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About us
Matchatto stands for creativity and unique natural matcha recipes. For the first time, the most extraordinary raw materials known to humanity are offered in a matcha raw material blend. For hot and cold tea lovers, Matchatto is synonymous with healthy natural flavor with a variety of possible taste nuances. We launched our brand Matchatto in 2019.

2 Product and services

Matchatto Pur 100g - Pure Matcha Tea Powder
Matchatto Pur 100g - Pure Matcha Tea Powder
Our organic Matchatto pure is a particularly high-quality organic premium Japanese matcha. 100% organic premium matcha from Japan.
Matcha Set Erdenkind - Traditional Matcha Tea Set
Matcha Set Erdenkind - Traditional Matcha Tea Set
With our Matcha Set "Erdenkind," you create the foundation for relaxed matcha tea enjoyment at home. Whether as a small tea ceremony for your personal...

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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Location and contact

AddressKarower Str. 17, DE-13125 Berlin

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