

Im Zollhafen 8, Köln 50678
Delivery: National
Founded: 2019
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

CE-certified FFP2 NR respiratory mask for infection protection, including comfortable ear loops
CE-certified FFP2 NR respiratory mask for infection protection, including comfortable ear loops
CE-certified mask that meets all regulations of the mask mandate This CE-certified FFP2 NR protective mask allows for easy breathing despite high filt...
Medical Mouth-Nose Protection Mask, CE & TÜV Rheinland, Type II R, 3-layer
Medical Mouth-Nose Protection Mask, CE & TÜV Rheinland, Type II R, 3-layer
TÜV Rheinland certified according to EN 14683, Bacterial filtration efficiency >98%, 3-layer disposable mask for better protection, resistance to spla...
Fine Guard Kids, pink, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Fine Guard Kids, pink, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Thanks to the unique Swiss LivinguardTM technology, it is the only mask that kills the coronavirus, making it the number one reusable face mask. Eli...
Fine Guard Comfort, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Fine Guard Comfort, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Thanks to the unique Swiss LivinguardTM technology, it is the only mask that kills the coronavirus, making it the number one reusable face mask. Elim...
Hand and Skin Disinfection Aqura Hand, various sizes
Hand and Skin Disinfection Aqura Hand, various sizes
AquraCare is a product line for quick and environmentally friendly disinfection and hygiene. For end consumers and professional use.
Surface Disinfection Aqura Home 100ml
Surface Disinfection Aqura Home 100ml
AquraCare is a product line for fast and environmentally friendly disinfection and hygiene of surfaces. For consumers and professional use. All produ...
Fine Guard Kids, blue, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Fine Guard Kids, blue, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus
Thanks to the unique Swiss LivinguardTM technology, it is the only mask that kills the coronavirus, making it the number one reusable face mask. Elim...
Fine Guard Sport, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus, pack of 2
Fine Guard Sport, antiviral mask with Livinguard™ technology, infection protection, eliminates over 99% of coronavirus, pack of 2
Thanks to the unique Swiss LivinguardTM technology, it is the only mask that kills the coronavirus, making it the number one reusable face mask. Elim...

Location and contact

AddressIm Zollhafen 8, DE-50678 Köln

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