

Samou 1, Kavala 65201
Delivery: Europe
Employees: 5-9
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About us

10 Product and services

Quarry Drill - K21
Quarry Drill - K21
Diesel-powered quarry drill with diesel compressor...
Oven Line and Tipper
Oven Line and Tipper
Oven line and tilting device...
Square Wire Cutting - SM Type
Square Wire Cutting - SM Type
Wire cutting for 20-25-30 horsepower square with inverter drive.
Mountain Wire Cutting with Rails - TK Series
Mountain Wire Cutting with Rails - TK Series
Mountain wire cutting with rails...
Trimming Machines
Trimming Machines
Stripping Line...
80 frame and marble cutting machine
80 frame and marble cutting machine
80 frame and marble cutting machine...
Polishing Machines - calibrating and polishing machines
Polishing Machines - calibrating and polishing machines
Polishing and calibrating machines.
Bridge Type Wire Cutting - MONSTER RTK - 80
Bridge Type Wire Cutting - MONSTER RTK - 80
Bridge type wire cutting...
Fixed perforator with chains - HD 15
Fixed perforator with chains - HD 15
fixed perforator with chains...
Diamond wire, blades, and cloves
Diamond wire, blades, and cloves
Diamond wires for all types of marble...

Location and contact

AddressSamou 1, GR-65201 Kavala

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