

Av. Praia Norte, Viana Do Castelo 4900-350
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2016
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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29 Product and services

Skilled labour for formwork carpenters - Specialised Personnel
Skilled labour for formwork carpenters - Specialised Personnel
Skilled labour for formwork carpenters - Specialised Personnel...
Skilled Labor in Shipbuilding - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Labor in Shipbuilding - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Labor in Shipbuilding - Specialized Personnel...
Skilled labor in pickling - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in pickling - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in pickling - Specialized Personnel...
Skilled labor in Metallization - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in Metallization - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in Metallization - Specialized Personnel...
Qualified workforce for welding - Qualified personnel
Qualified workforce for welding - Qualified personnel
Qualified workforce for welding - Qualified personnel...
Skilled labor in Industrial Painting - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in Industrial Painting - Specialized Personnel
Skilled labor in Industrial Painting - Specialized Personnel ...
Skilled labor in Engineering - Skilled Personnel
Skilled labor in Engineering - Skilled Personnel
Skilled labor in Engineering - Skilled Personnel ...
Skilled labor for electricity - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for electricity - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for electricity - Specialized personnel...
Skilled labor in the metallurgical industry - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor in the metallurgical industry - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor in the metallurgical industry - Specialized personnel...
Skilled Labor in Construction - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Labor in Construction - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Labor in Construction - Specialized Personnel...
Skilled Engineering Workforce - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Engineering Workforce - Specialized Personnel
Skilled workforce in engineering - Specialized personnel...
Skilled labor for masons - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for masons - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for masons - Specialized personnel...
Skilled Workforce in Shipbuilding - Specialized Personnel
Skilled Workforce in Shipbuilding - Specialized Personnel
Skilled workforce in shipbuilding - Specialized personnel...
Qualified personnel for welding
Qualified personnel for welding
Qualified personnel for welding...
Skilled labor for industrial assembly - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for industrial assembly - Specialized personnel
Skilled labor for industrial assembly - Specialized personnel...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressAv. Praia Norte, PT-4900-350 Viana Do Castelo

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