

Lisnakeeny,, Magheracloone,, Carrickmacross, null
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Employees: 20-49
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76 Product and services

MACFAB Glass Crusher - Reduce the volume of empty glass bottles by crushing them into a 240 LTR bin.Next
MACFAB Glass Crusher - Reduce the volume of empty glass bottles by crushing them into a 240 LTR bin.
A great solution for reducing the number of bins in your business. The Crushing chamber is totally enclosed and timed locked by a safety switch during...
200 Multi chamber waste baler  - A multi chamber baler is a great way to compact and sort different materials sucNext
200 Multi chamber waste baler - A multi chamber baler is a great way to compact and sort different materials suc
The 200 multi chamber baler is a great option for sorting different types of recyclable materials at source. As standard the baler comes with 2 chamb...
MACFAB 100 Baler - The MACFAB 100 vertical baler is an excellent choice for a business looking to cNext
MACFAB 100 Baler - The MACFAB 100 vertical baler is an excellent choice for a business looking to c
his Baler has as an auto compaction cycle as standard, key locked E-stop with reset button, hour counter to monitor servicing and includes a safe stra...
MACFAB 40 Baling press - A small baling press for plastic film waste Next
MACFAB 40 Baling press - A small baling press for plastic film waste
This small baler is perfect if you are a smaller producer of waste with limited space available in your storage area. Ideal for small cardboard boxes...
MACFAB 40 PET Bottle BalerNext
MACFAB 40 PET Bottle Baler
Theis baler is a great choice to bale pet plastic bottles. The 40 PET baler has a special compaction head for piercing bottles which means caps do not...
MACFAB 150 vertical baling press - A medium sized  baling press for cardboard and plastic film  Next
MACFAB 150 vertical baling press - A medium sized baling press for cardboard and plastic film
The MACFAB 150 baler is a popular model for small retail outlets and supermarket chains. This vertical baler is an excellent option for businesses ...
MACFAB Glass CrusherNext
MACFAB Glass Crusher
Reduce the volume of empty glass bottles by crushing them into a 240 LTR bin. A great solution for reducing the number of bins in your business. The C...
MACFAB 450 HD Baler  - The extended cylinders on the 450 HD baler are a feature important for baling maNext
MACFAB 450 HD Baler - The extended cylinders on the 450 HD baler are a feature important for baling ma
The 450 HD has extended cylinders produce a more compact bale. This baler is suitable for baling plastic PET bottles or other waste material that is d...
MACFAB LH500  BalerNext
MACFAB LH500 Baler
The Lh500 baler is an excellent option for businesses with a large volume of cardboard or plastic film. The compaction cylinders of the LH500 are moun...
MACFAB Waste Bag Compactor - Suitable for both wet and dry kitchen waste materials.Next
MACFAB Waste Bag Compactor - Suitable for both wet and dry kitchen waste materials.
The MACFAB Bag Press Compacts waste into a chamber lined with a black refuse bag. Once completed the full refuse bag of compacted waste takes up ...
Waste Compactors 100 - Creates a cardboard bale weighing 100 kg.Next
Waste Compactors 100 - Creates a cardboard bale weighing 100 kg.
The MACFAB 100 waste compactor is an excellent choice for companies looking to compact cardboard boxes and plastic packaging waste. The press features...
MACFAB 40 Waste Compactor - The smallest compactor in the MACFAB range. Ideal for those with limited space.Next
MACFAB 40 Waste Compactor - The smallest compactor in the MACFAB range. Ideal for those with limited space.
The MACFAB 40 is the smallest vertical baler in the MACFAB line. It is ideal for businesses with small amounts of waste and limited space for installi...
MACFAB 60 Plastic Baler  - Compact for waste plastic into a compact bale Next
MACFAB 60 Plastic Baler - Compact for waste plastic into a compact bale
This baler is ideal for businesses with small volumes of waste material and limited space to install a baler. Compact your cardboard boxes and plastic...
Hydraulic Vertical Press 60 - Forms a 60 Kg. bale of cardboard.Next
Hydraulic Vertical Press 60 - Forms a 60 Kg. bale of cardboard.
This press is ideal for companies with small volumes of waste material and limited space to install a compactor. Compact your cardboard boxes and plas...
Cardboard Press 100 - Produces a 100 kg bale from cardboard and paper.Next
Cardboard Press 100 - Produces a 100 kg bale from cardboard and paper.
The MACFAB 100 cardboard press is the perfect choice for companies looking to compress cardboard and plastic packaging materials. This press features ...

Location and contact

AddressLisnakeeny,, Magheracloone,, IE-null Carrickmacross,

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