

1, rue des Delâches, Quartier des Delâches, GOMETZ-LE-CHATEL 91940
Delivery: National
Founded: 1992
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89 Product and services

Coated Plastic Optical Fibers
Coated Plastic Optical Fibers
Plastic Coated Optical Fiber Discover our range of plastic coated optical fibers from the brand TORAY. Each plastic optical fiber consists of a PMMA...
Led generator 15W RGB DMX
Led generator 15W RGB DMX
RGB light source for lateral lighting fibers Discover our 15W RGB LED generator to illuminate very well a few fine bundle of lateral lighting fibers ...
Water drop" fittings
Water drop" fittings
Water drop Please discover our fittings "drops of water". They are fixed at the end of fiber. Technical information - Attaches to the fiber with a...
Diffusing Fibers
Diffusing Fibers
Diffusing optical fiber, flexible neon lighting Discover our range of diffusing optical fibers for a flexible light guide, ideal for luminous marking...
Diffuser" fittings
Diffuser" fittings
Deco diffuser Please discover our "diffuser deco" end fittings. They are fixed at the end of fiber. Technical information - Attaches to the fiber w...
Light Cable
Light Cable
Multifiber Optical Light Cable Discover our range of LUXERI multifiber plastic optical cable with a tubular structure containing 7 to 30 Plastic Optic...
15W RGB DMX LED Generator
15W RGB DMX LED Generator
RGB Light Source for Diffusing Fibers Discover our 15W RGB LED generator designed to evenly illuminate multiple fine brushes of diffusing fibers whil...
Multitube Optical Cable
Multitube Optical Cable
Multitube Optical Cable Discover our range of multitube optical cables consisting of 12 fibers per tube. This cable can support between 24 to 144 fi...
Plastic cord
Plastic cord
Simplex or Duplex Plastic Cord This simplex or duplex plastic cord is made from a plastic optical fiber (POF) sheathed in simplex or duplex from the b...
Mini break-out cable
Mini break-out cable
Mini break-out cable Discover our range of multi-channel mini break-out cable with tight structure from 4 to 24 fibers 9/125 - 50/125 - 62,5 / 125.
Architectural Lighting Harness
Architectural Lighting Harness
Illuminating optical fiber, spot lighting Discover our range of PMMA optical fiber lighting harnesses for accent or spot lighting. The harness consi...
Recessed Floor Light Discover our recessed floor light. Very small, it allows you to outline a floor or a pattern to highlight it. It can be sealed o...
Fiberglass Light Harness
Fiberglass Light Harness
Fiberglass Harnesses, the Technology of Light Diversion Discover our range of fiberglass lighting harnesses for industrial lighting by diverting ligh...
"Cover" downlight fittings Discover our "cover" spot, with a flat glass of protection. Its small size allows it to be discreet while dressing the en...
Water Drop Termination
Water Drop Termination
Water Drops Please discover our "water drops" terminations. They attach to the end of the fiber. Technical Information - Attaches to the fiber with...

Location and contact

Address1, rue des Delâches, Quartier des Delâches, FR-91940 GOMETZ-LE-CHATEL

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