

Herbert-Wehner-Strasse 2, Kamen 59174
Founded: 2009
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8 Product and services

Tactile Measurement Technology
Tactile Measurement Technology
Here we rely on coordinate measuring machines from WENZEL Metrology GmbH. Both portal measuring machines of the LH series operate in the accuracy clas...
Roughness Measurement
Roughness Measurement
Here we rely on a system from JENOPTIK. The system can be used both stationary and mobile, providing all standard roughness parameters. Hommel Jenopt...
3D Digitization
3D Digitization
Currently, we are utilizing three high-resolution GOM ATOS digitizing systems in our fully air-conditioned 3D scanning laboratory. GOM ATOS Triple Sc...
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering
We digitize your components (optically, tactilely, or comprehensively with CT). From the generated point clouds, we provide you with 3D CAD data for n...
Computed Tomography [CT]
Computed Tomography [CT]
Within our network, we have access to various CT systems. Depending on the measurement task, different acceleration voltages are possible. For more i...
Lohme Technology
Lohme Technology
EMPB/FAI; 3D Scanning; Digitization; Accredited Reports; CpK Analyses; Target/Actual Comparisons; Color Deviation Evaluation; Tactile Measurement Tech...
Optical Measurement Technology
Optical Measurement Technology
Here, high-precision systems from OGP are utilized. Measurement range up to 300 mm OGP CNC Flash 300 Multisensor measurement system Measurement rang...
Teaching Concept/Teaching Structure
Teaching Concept/Teaching Structure
We are your contact for the implementation and realization of necessary gauge concepts. From simple form gauges to measuring gauges for your productio...

Location and contact

AddressHerbert-Wehner-Strasse 2, DE-59174 Kamen
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