

Bergerwiesenstrasse 9, Meckenheim 53340
Founded: 1991
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About us

7 Product and services

Alarm Tracking
Alarm Tracking
Our always-ready alarm response team is in direct contact with the emergency call center.
Intrusion Alarm Systems
Intrusion Alarm Systems
Robbery detectors or object contacts complete the selection of possible detectors.
Emergency Call Center
Emergency Call Center
Our specialized staff receives detailed reports and promptly initiates the steps agreed upon with the customer.
Locking Systems
Locking Systems
Due to our own assembly manufacturing, we offer flexibility, speed, and a customer-oriented service tailored to individual needs.
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Systems
To counteract in a timely manner, protect people and assets, and avoid disruptions, early detection is essential.
Access Control
Access Control
The combination with data capture terminals and informative selection queries also opens up the possibility for the integration of time tracking syste...
Time Tracking
Time Tracking
Time tracking and access control systems can be effectively combined. Using transponders, employees gain access to the premises while simultaneously ...

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Location and contact

AddressBergerwiesenstrasse 9, DE-53340 Meckenheim

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