

Treuchtlinger Straße 20, Weißenburg 91781
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Employees: 200-499
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45 Product and services

Square and rectangular wire made of copper and copper alloys
Square and rectangular wire made of copper and copper alloys
Extremely flexible and compact electrical conductors for carbon brushes and connectors - braid-like compactly woven square and rectangular strands mad...
Round copper braid made from copper and copper alloys
Round copper braid made from copper and copper alloys
High flexible and compact copper conductors for carbon brushes and connectors - Compact braided round copper flexibles made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1, L...
Bundle Wire - Several individual wires or wire bundles twisted together
Bundle Wire - Several individual wires or wire bundles twisted together
Twisted individual wires or wire bundles made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1 in bare, tinned, nickel-plated, or silver-plated, soft-annealed. Individual wire...
Flat Wire - Copper Flat Wire according to European regulations and individual customer requirements
Flat Wire - Copper Flat Wire according to European regulations and individual customer requirements
Copper flat wires made of Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1 in bare finish. Thickness: 0.038 mm – 1.0 mm Width: 0.80 mm – 6.0 mm Our copper flat wires are character...
Shielding Mesh - Mesh made of copper and other materials for shielding
Shielding Mesh - Mesh made of copper and other materials for shielding
Shielding braids made of parallel, stranded wires, woven into a tubular shape. Manufactured from Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1, LEONI-Histral® alloys (upon request)...
Braided Round Rope (Lace) - Highly flexible copper ropes that are additionally braided with copper wires
Braided Round Rope (Lace) - Highly flexible copper ropes that are additionally braided with copper wires
Braided, highly flexible copper cables made from Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1, and LEONI-Histral® alloys (available upon request) in bare, tinned, nickel-plated, o...
Braiding wire - Single wire or multi wire on special bobbins fit for use in braiding machines
Braiding wire - Single wire or multi wire on special bobbins fit for use in braiding machines
Round copper wire made from Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1 and LEONI Histral® alloys, in bare, tin-plated, nickel-plated and silver-plated, soft annealed. Single wir...
Contured, braided copper tape - Fabric tape made of copper or alloys, moulded with straight edges
Contured, braided copper tape - Fabric tape made of copper or alloys, moulded with straight edges
Contured fabric tapes, braided into a tube and then flat-rolled. Made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1, LEONI Histral® alloys upon request, in bare, tin-plate...
Concentric Stranded Wire - Electrical conductor with absolutely regular, defined positioning of individual wires
Concentric Stranded Wire - Electrical conductor with absolutely regular, defined positioning of individual wires
Stranded wires in concentric construction made of Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1, and LEONI Histral® alloys in bare, tinned, nickel-plated, or silver-plated finishes...
Concentric strand - Copper conductor with an all-out uniform structure
Concentric strand - Copper conductor with an all-out uniform structure
Strands with a concentric structure made from Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1 and LEONI Histral® alloys in bare, tin-plated, nickel-plated or silver-plated, soft anne...
Bunch - Several bunched single wires or bundles
Bunch - Several bunched single wires or bundles
Several bunched single wires or bundles made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1 in bare, tin-plated, nickel-plated or silver-plated, soft annealed. Single-wire d...
Semiconcentric Wire - Electrical Conductor with Absolutely Regular Structure
Semiconcentric Wire - Electrical Conductor with Absolutely Regular Structure
Stranded wires in semi-concentric construction made of Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1, and LEONI Histral® in bare, tinned, nickel-plated, or silver-plated, soft-anne...
Flat wire - Flat copper wire as per European regulations as well as customer requirements
Flat wire - Flat copper wire as per European regulations as well as customer requirements
Flat copper wire made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1 in bare. Thickness: 0,038 mm – 1,0 mm Width: 0,80 mm – 6,0 mm Our flat copper wires are absolute burr...
Shielding braid - Shielding braid made from copper and other materials
Shielding braid - Shielding braid made from copper and other materials
Shielding braids consist of bobbin wires, located parallel, which have been braided into a tube. Manufactured from Cu-ETP1, Cu-OF1, LEONI-Histral®-al...
Single Wire / Round Wire made of Copper - Round Wire according to international regulations and individual customer requirements
Single Wire / Round Wire made of Copper - Round Wire according to international regulations and individual customer requirements
Copper round wire made from Cu-ETP1 and Cu-OF1 in bare, tinned, nickel-plated, silver-plated, or gold-plated forms, available in hard or soft annealed...

Location and contact

AddressTreuchtlinger Straße 20, DE-91781 Weißenburg

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