

Industrialnaya st, 80, Penza 442960
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2009
Employees: 50-99
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7 Product and services

 Slurry tanker LKT-VNext
Slurry tanker LKT-V
6.660,00 €
Slurry tanker LKT-V is intended for collection and transportation of waste. It is absolutely vitally important in agriculture, being light and efficie...
Hook lift tanker LKT-VMNext
Hook lift tanker LKT-VM
5.300,00 €
Collection of water and its further transportation to utilization/recycling spot. Exhausting of sewage tanks, cesspools, car wash drains and ships’ ho...
Sprinkler semi-trailer LKT-PNext
Sprinkler semi-trailer LKT-P
5.600,00 €
Sprinkler equipment LKT-P is intended for pavement washing and watering, plant and lawn irrigation and, in the presence of fire extinguishing system, ...
Liquid organic fertilizer application machineNext
Liquid organic fertilizer application machine
24.430,00 €
The machine being connected to the tractor is designed for self-loading, transportation and surface application of liquid organic fertilizers. The ...
Vacuum truck MVNext
Vacuum truck MV
Vacuum truck MV is intended for the collection of liquid waste, technical water and their further transportation to utilization spot. By means of t...
Fuelling semi-trailer tank LKT-TZNext
Fuelling semi-trailer tank LKT-TZ
7.140,00 €
Semi-trailer tractor fueling tank LKT-TZ is intended for the use together with tractors and special vehicles VTZ, MTZ to supply machinery with diesel ...
Stationary tanker LKT-VPNext
Stationary tanker LKT-VP
6.920,00 €
Collection of water and its further transportation to utilization/recycling spot. Exhausting of sewage tanks, cesspools, car wash drains and ships’ ho...

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressIndustrialnaya st, 80, RU-442960 Penza

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