

Auf der Leuchtenburg 3, Neuenkirchen-Vörden 49434
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2003
Employees: 5-9
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11 Product and services

FALK 1000 GL
FALK 1000 GL
The FALK 1000 GL panel features a high-quality insulation core. It is suitable for both roof and facade applications. As a facade panel, it can be ins...
Sandwich Panel Roof Panels FALK 1100 TR 3+
Sandwich Panel Roof Panels FALK 1100 TR 3+
The FALK 1100 TR 3+ is suitable for a wide range of construction and renovation projects. The Falk 1100 TR 3+ is always delivered with A-side packagi...
Fiber Cement Facade Panels
Fiber Cement Facade Panels
We supply six types of fiber cement facade panels. We supply SVK facade panels: - Puro Plus - Decoboard Classic - Decoboard Pure - Ornimat - Colormat...
Trapezoidal Profile - High Profile
Trapezoidal Profile - High Profile
LD Systemprofile provides steel trapezoidal profiles for roof and wall coverings in various thicknesses and colors. With us, you can obtain profiles w...
Well fiber cement board
Well fiber cement board
double-pressed panels, rustproof, sound-insulating Installation with pre-perforated corners (corners can be broken off by hand or with tools such as ...
Light Plates Profile 6
Light Plates Profile 6
The nature-transparent profile sheets (light panels) or double hollow chamber panels are supplied to match Profile 6 of the corrugated fiber cement bo...
Wellprofil 18 / 76
Wellprofil 18 / 76
LD trapezoidal profiles, construction width: 1067 mm, max. delivery length: 500 – 15000 mm usable as roof and wall profile available steel thicknesse...
SVK Puro Plus Facade Panel
SVK Puro Plus Facade Panel
Brand class Cs2dO, fire-resistant, complies with B1. The answer to the increased fire protection regulations. The Puro Plus facade panel is a fiber c...
Sandwich Panel Wall Panels
Sandwich Panel Wall Panels
The Falk wall panels are the ideal facade panels, as both horizontal and vertical installation is possible. FALK 1170 WZ: The FALK 1170 WZ panel is t...
LD Light Panel TR 3+
LD Light Panel TR 3+
The LD light panels provide the interior of the building with natural daylight. The translucent roof panels offer a cost-effective daylight solution.
LD Plank
LD Plank
LD Plank fiber cement panels have been designed to combine the beauty of wood with the durability, low maintenance, and fire resistance of fiber cemen...

Location and contact

AddressAuf der Leuchtenburg 3, DE-49434 Neuenkirchen-Vörden

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